5 Signs It’s Time to Redesign Your Bedroom

Light and airy bedroom, in which only essential items are kept, created with generative ai

There may be times when you feel like revamping the appearance of every room in your house, especially if you like to keep up with the newest interior design trends and always want to follow the latest styles. However, renovating the entire space is not always practical or necessary. So, how can you tell when a room truly needs a redesign?

Each room has a few telltale signs that indicate an upgrade is necessary. Let’s review what to look for in one of the most significant rooms in your home: the bedroom!

1) You Avoid Being In It

Your bedroom should be a place of rest, relaxation, and comfort. This should be the space you can escape to when you need to get away from the rest of the world and just unwind. If your bedroom is not that space for you, then it’s time to consider redesigning it.

Do you only use your bedroom to sleep at night and then leave it as soon as you wake? If so, consider updating your bedroom with furniture and décor you love! This can make your bedroom feel more inviting, cozy, and enjoyable to spend time in.

2) You’re Not Getting Good Sleep

The primary function of your bedroom is to serve as a space where you can get quality, peaceful sleep. When you’re struggling to get the quality or quantity of sleep you need, your bedroom no longer serves its purpose. Trouble sleeping often means it’s time for a new bed or your bedroom feng shui is off.

Does your back hurt? Or do you always wake up tired? You’re likely in need of a new mattress or bedframe. Invest in a high-quality mattress and frame and upgrade to new comfy bedding. If you’re still having trouble getting a good night’s sleep, start looking at other elements of the room. Factors such as color palette, furniture placement, electronics, and even the wrong décor can all disrupt your sleep.

3) There’s Too Much Clutter

A buildup of clutter in your bedroom means you’re running out of functional space. The messier and more disorganized your room is, the less comfortable you’ll feel in it. A cluttered space makes for a cluttered mind, which makes it difficult to relax and fall asleep.

If you’re constantly tripping over items or struggling to find what you need in your bedroom, it’s time to update with more practical furniture and storage solutions. Think multifunctional pieces—storage ottoman, bedframe with built-in drawers or cabinets, etc.—that will provide the extra space you need without overcrowding the room with extra furniture.

4) It Feels Outdated

When you’ve redesigned or upgraded every other major room in your home and left your bedroom untouched, moving from one of those other spaces to your bedroom can feel like you’re stepping through a time machine. If your bedroom doesn’t fit the style of the rest of your house, you won’t like being in it.

If your bedroom design scheme is old-fashioned or you have not updated your furniture and décor since childhood or college, it might be time to renovate and refresh the space. This will help to make your room feel more mature and reflect your current style!

5)The Lighting Is Off

Ensuring the perfect balance of light in your bedroom is crucial since it’s where you sleep. If your room is too bright or too dark, you should consider at least a partial redesign to adjust accordingly. When choosing the right lighting, take your preferences and functionality into account.

Are you the type of person who needs to sleep in the pitch-black? Get some blackout curtains or heavy window treatments. Incorporating darker colors throughout the space can also help you relax and get into sleep mode if you’re this kind of sleeper.

On the other hand, if your bedroom is too dark, add some ambient lighting and new accents to brighten it up. In addition to bedside lamps and other artificial light sources, light colors, mirrors, lightweight curtains, and other accessories that enhance natural light will be ideal.

If you’re struggling to get started with your West Bloomfield bedroom redesign, the Sherwood Furniture team is here to help! Our bedroom interior design services cover all aspects you could wish for in a bedroom upgrade. From floor plans to new furniture, décor, and even updated flooring and fabrics, we’ll work with you to bring the bedroom of your dreams to life. 

Contact us at (248)855-1600 to learn more about our services and set up a consultation with an interior designer today!

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