Three Questions to Ask Yourself When Working With an Interior Designer

Whether you are moving into a new home or are looking to redefine the style of your current space, there are many advantages to working with an interior designer to do Three Questions to Ask Yourself When Working With an Interior Designerso. An interior designer can do so much more than tell you what paint colors work best together; they can work with you to develop a style that weaves harmoniously through each and every space in your home.

Of course, there are a few things that your interior designer will need to know about your family and your home before they get started, and thinking about these questions ahead of time will help to ensure your home is renovated and styled to perfection.

What are Your Color Likes and Dislikes?

Before your interior designer gets to work choosing the new paint colors for your walls and picking out signature furniture pieces and accents to decorate your home, it is important to let them know what colors you like. Do you prefer grays and blues? Or do you like beiges and browns?

This differentiation will help your interior designer to hone in on your style and help them to choose the right pieces to fill your space.

Don’t forget to mention if there are any colors you absolutely wouldn’t want to see inside of your home. While we do think it’s best to keep an open mind when working with a professional, it is also good to let them know if there is anything you just couldn’t live with.

How Would You Describe Your Interior Design Style?

Another important thought to consider is how you would describe your style. What design trends appeal to you, and which do you dislike?

While your interior designer will be able to get a feel for your style when they visit your home, it is always good to describe your style in your own words, as it will give them a better feel for your needs.

How Do You Like to Spend Your Time at Home?

Don’t forget to give your interior designer an insight into your life, letting them know a little bit about how you like to spend your time at home. Maybe you are an avid reader who will need extra lighting next to your bed and in the living room. Or you love to bake and will need extra storage space throughout your kitchen for supplies and kitchen gadgets.

Whatever you love, be sure to mention this to the interior designer you work with so that they are able to consider your unique needs while re-designing your home.

Now that you are ready to redefine your Michigan home’s style with the help of an interior designer, it’s time to call Sherwood Studios. With a showroom located in West Bloomfield, our interior design team can help you turn your dream home into a reality.

Please call us at 248-855-1600 to get started.

Three Ways to Give Your Living Room Some Extra Character

A room where your family and friends gathThree Ways to Give Your Living Room Some Extra Characterer together, the living room sees a lot of use. And because of this it is likely the room you feel the most compelling urge to redecorate on a regular basis. Maybe you feel like your furniture has become outdated or maybe your current wall color is feeling too dull. No matter what is getting you down about your living room, Sherwood Studios has some ideas that will add character and life to your space.

Swap Out Curtains, Pillows and More

Even the smallest change can make a big impact, especially if it involves changing a room’s color scheme. Take down your old window treatments, purchase some new pillows and add a bright new hue to your space.

Popular 2017 colors include bright green and yellow, cool blue and bold purple. Regardless of what color you add to your space, it will help it to take on a fun new style.

Fill Your Space with Memories

There is nothing that brings character to a room more than one-of-a-kind items that remind you of your favorite memories. Let your personality shine through your space with photos of your family members and unique collectables from vacations you have been on together.

Pieces like these are great for conversation, and all your guests will be wondering where you found such interesting décor.

Opt For Bold Furnishings

Looking for an even bigger change in your living room décor? Swap out your current furnishings for some new pieces with a little more flare! Some of this year’s expected furniture trends are gemstone tones, livable fabrics and mixed metals.

Use these styles as a guide, or work with Sherwood Studios’ interior design team to create your dream space!

Simple Updates to Improve Home Décor

Many people love sprucing up their homeSimple Updates to Improve Home Décor but it can get expensive to totally redesign every room, especially if you’re someone that has a constant itch to switch things up. There are some simple solutions to updating your home décor that won’t take up too much money or effort. Here are some suggestions on simple home décor updates that can help improve your space.

Update Your Cabinets

Most kitchens consist of a lot of cabinets. If you’re unhappy with your cabinets, you’re likely unhappy with your kitchen. Consider painting your cabinets to give them a brand new look and change the appearance of your entire kitchen with one project. If you’re not looking to do a big project, consider just changing the hardware on the cabinets. Choose knobs that are colorful or unique for a small detail that all guests are guaranteed to notice.

Switch Up Your Furniture

There is a good chance that your furniture is the focal point in most rooms, even if you’re unaware of it. If you can trade out an old chair and replace it with a new statement chair, you can give the space a whole new look without painting the room or changing the flooring. You can also add statement pillows to older furniture pieces to give the furniture a new look. Don’t be afraid to purchase statement pillows that showcase your personality and preferences.

Add a Small Gallery

If you have a wall that feels plain but you aren’t sure what to fill it with, consider putting up a bit of a “mismatched” gallery. You can easily fill the walls with pictures of your loved ones and cherished memories.  Purchase a number of frames that are corky, but somehow coincide with one another, and stagger them on the wall to fill the space. For instance, you could choose all wood frames but they could all be a different type of wood.

Update Lighting Fixtures

Many people have overhead lights that they aren’t happy with but they eventually become “out of sight, out of mind.” If you have a light fixture hanging above your head that you can’t stand to look up at, consider replacing it. Although you might be used to the fixture, it’s something that most people will notice upon walking in that don’t see it daily. Updating a simple light fixture, even if it is just a hand-me-down lamp that you’ve grown tired of, can help a room feel brand new.

These simple suggestions should help you update the look of your home without totally redoing it all together. Before you get started, visit Sherwood Studios for fine furniture and interior design services.

Achieve the Farmhouse Style at Home

In the past year, “farmhouse décor” has become increasingly popular. This style focuses on small details with light colors, rough finishes, and wooden pieces. Many years ago, farmfarmhousedecorhouse décor was the true design of homes that were found on farms. Now, it is a look that many homeowners are now eager to achieve.

Focus on Natural Wood

A big staple among farmhouse décor is the use of wood, which was often used in older homes. If the wood is worn, think of it as a reflection of the wood’s story. Hardwood floors are also a big staple in farmhouse décor. If you can’t afford to put natural wooden floors throughout your home, consider using wood accessories instead. Hang a mirror with a wooden frame in a room with hard wood floors, even if they don’t match, to achieve a “natural wood” look.

Light It Up

Many farmhouse themed homes typically are full of light colors. Years ago, many homes had lighter colors because it was expensive to do dark colored finishes. The staple light blues, whites, and creams, have carried into present-day farmhouse décor preferences. By painting your walls or your trim a light color, you can start to “paint the picture” of a farmhouse. If your home has woodwork that is still original, don’t paint it in order to preserve the original history of home. However, if it is already painted, freshen it up with a fresh coat of white.

Don’t Focus on Fabric

Although many décor styles are focused on the fabrics and the textures of the home, farmhouse décor is not. You can mismatch your fabrics in a farmhouse home and get away with easily. If you have pieces in your home that are “worn,” they will likely fit into a farmhouse styled home. Many people that owned farmhouses used to get handmade or second-hand furniture from loved ones, which typically had a “used” appearance. Don’t be afraid to mix and match seating to achieve a farmhouse look.

Get Cooking

The kitchen was a vital part of a farmhouse in previous years, and it should be a focus of your “farmhouse” home today. Families spent a lot of their time in the kitchen, eating meals and sharing stories. Focus on making your kitchen into a room that you want to spend time in by making it comfortable and inviting. Consider installing wooden countertops, to achieve that butcher block countertop feel. The wood will provide a sense of warmth to the kitchen, and will help bring in some of the wood that you’ve used within your décor and furniture.

These are just several suggestions, among many, that can transform your home into a farmhouse. For furniture and interior design ideas, visit Sherwood Studios.

Tips On Decorating Your New Home

Tips On Decorating Your New HomeFrom choosing color palettes to picking out a new ottoman, decorating a new home can be entertaining and enjoyable. However, the thought of decorating a new home can also be overwhelming and exhausting. If you’re preparing to decorate your first home, we have compiled several hints to help you out.

Focus on Where You Spend Your Time

When you purchase a home, you typically gain a lot more space. Houses often come with spare bedrooms and extra bathrooms, and you’ll likely have the urge to decorate all of them. Make sure that you focus on decorating the rooms that you are going to spend the most time in. Focus on making the bathroom, the kitchen, and your bedroom into what you want them to be. Paint, decorate, and furnish the rooms that you’ll spend your time in and save other rooms for when you are less stressed.

Accept the Gradual Process

You cannot decorate and furnish an entire house in just a few weeks unless you have an unlimited budget, which most of us do not. When you are moving into a new home, you have to accept that the home will not be what you want it to be in a matter of weeks. It is going to take months, perhaps years, to turn your new home into your “dream home.” Taking your time will also ensure that you are doing the projects that you desire the most.

Focus on Your Colors

Paint and splashes of color can do wonders for a home, and it is the best way to customize a home to your own taste. You can use color to tie your home together, furniture to déTips On Decorating Your New Homecor. As long as you have several pieces that match one another in color somewhat, the room will feel collective. For instance, if you have a bold colored sofa, you can just pull the color of the sofa into the room using an accent rug or even a lamp.

Invest in the Right Pieces

When furnishing your new home, you should make sure that you spend your money in the most ideal way. For instance, you are better off spending a significant amount of money on a sofa versus a lamp. You will have a sofa for much longer than you will have “décor” pieces. You want to invest your money into good furniture to ensure that you are getting high quality pieces that will stand up to the test of time. Invest in the pieces that you want from the very beginning and save yourself money later on.

These are just several suggestions that will help you decorate your new house to feel like a home. If you are looking for furniture pieces or interior design advice, contact Sherwood Studios for help.

Expected Decor Trends of 2017

Expected Décor Trends of 2017 With each passing year, home décor trends come and go. With 2017 less than a month away, potential home décor trends are starting to surface and we have highlighted a few below.

Mixed Metals

From jewelry to home décor, it used to be “taboo” to mix your metals. Most homeowners usually own all silver finished décor or all brass finished décor. However, 2017’s arrival is encouraging mixed metals in home décor. Many people are now decorating with an assortment of metals from gold to polished nickel. Your light fixtures and curtain rods no longer need to be the same metal.

Livable Fabrics

Previously, many people that decorated their homes frequently searched for formal furniture regardless of how little a purpose it might serve. Many families are now seeking furniture in fabrics that will stand-up to the wear and tear of children and pets. People want functional furniture that looks good but will last long.

Gemstone Tones

Color trends are constantly changing each year and many people update their homes to reflect this trend because it can easily be done. In 2016, the color gray took over bedrooms, couches, coffee tables, and countertops. In 2017, gemstone tones are expected to surface. Gemstone tones are a richer and bolder version of standard colors. For instance, a gemstone blue would be deep, dark, and rich. These tones are on the softer side but are incredibly bold.

DIY Prevails

DIY, or do it yourself, has been trending for several years and it is still going strong into 2017. People genuinely enjoy creating their own home décor pieces and refurbishing older ones. People use to donate items that no longer satisfied their taste but now, they recreate them to meet their preferences. From painting over a coffee table to covering an old ottoman in fresh fabric, people are still on a DIY kick that doesn’t seem to be fading out.

If you are looking to redecorate your home for the new year, contact Sherwood Studios to help you keep up with these upcoming trends and many more.

How Social Media Has Changed the Way We Decorate

How Social Media Has Changed the Way We DecorateMany of us remember spending weekends walking through furniture stores and inspecting throw pillows in department stores. We spent hours in hardware stores looking at paint swatches and silver faucet heads, trying to put together a vision that we could so easily picture in our heads.

In 2016, we have Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, among many other social media outlets putting our vision directly in front of us. We scroll through social media and see pictures of our dream kitchen or our ideal bedroom. We spot the couch that would fit perfectly in the living room or a bench that finally matches the mudroom. The home industry has exploded in the past few years. In 2014, it was worth 7.3 billion dollars and it has only continued to grow.

Perks of Pinterest

Pinterest has been a huge contributor to the revolution that the home industry has experienced over the last few years. Pinterest has allowed home décor and interior design businesses with an opportunity to connect directly and easily with customers.  It has also given them an outlet to advertise their products and services on social media where people are actively seeking them. If someone is searching for a “red couch” on Pinterest, hundreds of results from different businesses will fill their screen simultaneously. In fact, 40 percent of consumers search online for the products they want.

Social Media’s Influence

Social media has also allowed businesses to track how many people are interested in certain products or services through likes, retweets, and pins. Stores are able to publish their products to customers in an instant which allows followers to see each new product as it arrives. With online options being readily available, less people are coming into stores to look at products. However, it allows customers to show business exactly what they are looking for when they do arrive in the store which simplifies the shopping process and cuts down on the time customers need to spend in the store.

Social Media Superfans

Social media can also be held responsible for the major increase in the number of people interested in aesthetics and design. Social media has provided people with more resources to design their home and achieve their desired look. People are able to spend countless hours looking through thousands of design ideas from the comfort of their home, inspiring them to redesign their homes on a regular basis. Years ago, we would get our home to our “ideal” and leave it that way for several years.  Now, people are quick to follow and seek home décor trends, constantly re-doing rooms to fit their latest find.

If you have a vision for your home, contact Sherwood Studios, we can help you make it into a reality. Visit our Pinterest page for more home inspiration and give us a call when you’re ready to get started.

Vintage is Victorious in Interior Design

Many of us cringe at the trends that used to dominant the interior design industry. From bold wallpaper borders to a frenzy of ferns, some home décor trends will likely not return. However, some vintage home décor styles have made a compelling comeback.

Gorgeous Glass
Most people associate stained glass with churches but it was the focal point of front doors and windows for decades. It did phase out for a period of time but it is back and bolder than ever. Although many modern homes use double-paned glass and energy-efficient windows, those windows do not provide quite the same view as stained glass ones do. Stained glass is starting to make its way into contemporary spaces through windows, furniture, and accessories. Although it can be rather costly, you can even customize stained glass to fit the style of your home.

Whacky Wallpapers
43837843 - close-up of patterned wallpaper in retro interiorWhen people buy older homes, one of the first things they do is rip down wallpaper. Before you start tearing down your outdated wallpaper, seriously consider if it could work in the space. Patterned wallpaper is trending in interior design and it is working. Patterned wallpaper with a bold accent wall can pair well together and serve as a bold statement piece. Choose simple décor and furniture to compliment busy wallpaper. Many floral printed wallpaper patterns are back in style. Pair these with white and gold accents to add a soft, vintage touch to a bathroom for instance.

Colorful Kitchens
Looking back at home décor in the 1950’s could be blinding, the colors were beyond intense and they were everywhere. From blue bathtubs to red sofas, color found its way into every room and every piece in the home. Colorful kitchens have recently found their way back modern interior design. Many people are choosing to go with bold colored cabinets or white and black checkerboard floors.  Although white kitchens will always be a staple in interior design, don’t be afraid to add a splash of color to yours.

These are just three examples of vintage styles that are, yet again, trendy. If you want to incorporate some of these trends into your home but you fear that it will look outdated instead of up to date, contact Sherwood Studios to help you incorporate vintage trends into your current home.

Creating a Multi-Purpose Space in Your Home

Whether your company has moved towards telecommuting (at least part-time) or your children are in need of a space for arts, crafts and algebra homework, you may be looking to add a multi-purpose space to your home. Oftentimes spare bedrooms and laundry rooms are the areas of the house considered for this transformation, as they aren’t in use on a constant basis like your kitchen and living room are.

There is so much potential when it comes to developing a multi-purpose space, but designing this area can be tough. Luckily, Sherwood Studios has some tips that will help you make the most of this busy new space in your home.

Consider Compatibility

When combining a few different areas of a home into one room, it is important to consider their compatibility. For example, adding a desk and office supplies to your spare bedroom is typically a successful combination, because it is unlikely that you will have guests stayin

g at your home on a workday. Similarly, adding a workspace to your laundry room where your children can create school projects is a good option, as it will provide them with both a quiet space where they can focus

and the cleaning supplies they will inevitably need right on hand.

Increase Storage Space

Storage is important in every room of the home, even more so in a room that has multiple purposes. It is all too common for multi-purpose rooms to become catch-all spaces for random object. To prevent this from happening, we recommend choosing shelving and furniture pieces that maximize storage. This way, you will be able to keep your multi-purpose room organized and clutter free.

Now that you are ready to get to work designing your multi-purpose room all that is left to do is find the   right furniture to suit your needs. From tables and chairs to home offices accessories, Sherwood Studios offers a wide array of quality home furnishing options for homeowners in the West Bloomfield, Michigan area. We also offer interior design services, perfect for assisting you to develop a multi-purpose work that is both functional and stylish. For more information and to schedule an appointment with a member of our interior design team, please give us a call at 248-855-1600.

Opening Up About Open-Concept Floorplans

While open-concept floorplans may be all the rage in home design these days, the challenge is creating this floorplan in a way that is unique to your personal style, and ensuring that your design flows within your space. You also want to be sure your open floorplan is inviting and cozy.

Here are a few decorating tips for achieving the perfect open-concept floorplan:

Choose one paint colorInterior Design Ideas for an Open Floorplan

Perhaps the best way to ensure that your open-concept floorplan looks cohesive is to use just one paint color throughout. This will create the perfect flow from one room to the next. If you’re worried this will make everything look too boring, don’t; the furniture and accent décor you choose later on will allow you to introduce different colors, textures and patterns for that “pop” you need.

Use textures

Speaking of that “pop,” this is a great way to show distinction throughout your main living space. For example, consider a wallpapered accent wall in your living room to complement built-in shelving on the adjacent wall. It’s just enough to catch the eye without being too overwhelming.

Specify individual areas

Of course, the idea behind an open-concept floorplan is to have everything flow together seamlessly, but that doesn’t mean that each specific area can’t be decorated according to its role. In fact, this is highly encouraged to help define each space. The living room could be highlighted by a gorgeous sofa sectional (like this one) and accent chairs, while a bar-height countertop could be perfect for your kitchen area.

Don’t forget the storage space

In an open-concept floorplan, the key word is – yep, you guessed it – “open”. The last thing you want is to dilute your space with a whole bunch of clutter. Here’s one thing to try in your design: include sleek, closed cabinetry in your kitchen for dishes and small appliances. Optimal storage allows you to keep all of the extra things tucked away and to pull your guests’ focus towards whatever you want say a gorgeous marble fireplace and a matching set of these bold Verona chairs.

We can absolutely see the appeal of an open floorplan – the trick is knowing what to do with all that space once you have it! Not sure how to implement these ideas on your own? Allow the interior design experts of Sherwood Studios Inc. to lend a hand. Give us a call at 248-855-1600 or stop by our Studio in West Bloomfield, MI to see samples of our work!